Saturday, January 14, 2006

Cough! Cough!

Early morning, we whisked Little Alya back to Raffles Children Centre for a consultation with her paedi after she had a bout of bad whooping cough the night before. Little Alya has been having cough for over two weeks. Just when she's about to get better, the attack came again. After a clinic visit with no medication given (no medication for babies under six mths of age-cough syrup is said to be too strong for them babies), we finally decided to send her back to the Children Centre for the expert views. True enough, no cough medicine was given, instead, Little Alya was given an oral solution for her cold (she had a slight runny nose). It is said that the medicine will help to dispense her cold and at the same time get rid of her phlegm which is causing her throat to itch thus the cough. I'm not all for medicines, but on the expert opinions on whether the cough is serious and requires immediate attention. The whooping cough that she had the night before seems bad enough, so I will definitely have to try out the medication that the doc gave. Well.. the doc said its a common thing especially when both her parents are having cough as well. (she had the cough before I do!)

I've never actually fathom to the idea of feeding her with medicines over the slightest discomfort that she had. I hold over the thought - the lesser medicine she take, the better, since her immune system is not that strong yet (the doc agrees with me okie...). For the same reason of my refusal to let her have the 5-in-1 immunisation. The immunisation is said to prevent babies from getting sick often, but yet i've heard of babies who took the jab, and yet gotten sick again & again. And Alhamdullillah, despite not having taken the 5-in-1 jab, Little Alya has been fine all along and only had a short fever that came with the DPT jabs. I attribute her likings of putting anything that she can get hold upon into her mouth and sucking it, as the main factor for her incessant cough.

Hopefully, with the given medicines and the hole in our pockets, Little Alya will get better. In the meantime, i will just have to put away cloth-like toys from her grabbing hands...

Little Alya awaiting her turn

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