Thursday, January 12, 2006

An Overdue Entry

Its been quite a while since I've posted anything on my little babe. Bizi is the word but i do wonder what made me SO BZ? Is it the little princess aka budak manja? Is it due to the opening of the school term? Or is it the mummy yang dah tak kuasa? Anyway, here's a long overdue entry on my little hunny bunny...

Little Alya is turning 5 months in about a week's time. She's getting more active, giving whoever is holding her flying kicks and sharp claws on the cheek... she seems to love mutilating herself too...hehheh..forgive her mumy please. Her nails grow so fast and most of the time i have to wait for the rite day to trim it. Biaselah... ada hari-hari tertentu kuku tak boleh dicepit. And by the time the right day come, small tiny scratches had already made a display on her fair smooth cheeks! Macam Edward Scissorhands pulak!!

Little Alya enjoys reading too. i hope to cultivate reading habits in her but at the same time do not wish to emphasize too much on academic excellence. But seeing her interest in it makes me kinda happy too.. that's the way my gerl! Let's hope her interest is not short lived! hahaha...

Things definitely move so fast. It seems like yesterday that Little Alya has just seen the world and its been almost 5 months. The school year has just started and mummy is definitely going to get really busy. It saddens me to leave her every morning and the same morning i will resolve to be home early and be with her and yet i can't. Oh well... the 2006 resolution is to manage my time better and and to be home early so that i ould spent some quality time with my hunny bunny...

till the next entry then... (if i could update this blog regularly shows that i've met my resolutions! hehehe...)

Oh btw, a short statistic;

Little Alya is 6.5kg and 66cm tall!! My little bunny has definitely grown....

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