Friday, August 19, 2005

Home Is Where It Is

Little Alya comes home with plenty of gifts

We are home!

The 3 days stay at the hospital has been a pleasant one. The service at Raffles Hospital is excellent. Never regretted my choice to deliver there. The midwives and nurses were extremely helpful and friendly. And not forgetting my gynae, who dropped by to check on me often enough to assure me that everything will be fine. Thanks to these people who have made my stay there a very pleasant one. And to my family, relatives and friends who had squeezed in some of their time to visit us and shared our joy on the arrival of little Alya; your presence is greatly appreaciated. And thank you so much for the lovely gifts too.

Despite the fatique and the after labour pain down there, i'm actually pretty anxious to be home with my little one. Now that we are home, i'm hoping to catch up on my sleep whenever i can (when little alya sleeps, of course). I'm actually sleep deprived due to the constant awakening of little alya for breastfeeding. To be able to breastfeed little alya is a great feeling though the first few tries were horrendous. There's very little collustrum and little alya doesn't seem to have enough, causing her to whine and eventually exploded into loud cries. It stresses me up, being unable to give in to her needs and can't do anything abt it. Things finally improves on the third day when there's a better flow of milk and little alya is able to suckle on well.


Blogger Sharafynna said...

Eh eh..cute nye!!!! So so cute!!!!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Sharafynna said...

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1:16 PM  
Blogger Sharafynna said...

Wei...update leh!!! Air liur Alya kat situ dah basi dah...........
Quick! nak tengok muka si munchkin tu...

1:24 PM  

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3 Old Comments:

Eh eh..cute nye!!!! So so cute!!!!

By Blogger Sharafynna, at 9:14 PM  

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By Blogger Sharafynna, at 1:16 PM  

Wei...update leh!!! Air liur Alya kat situ dah basi dah...........
Quick! nak tengok muka si munchkin tu...

By Blogger Sharafynna, at 1:24 PM