Thursday, August 18, 2005

Mummy & Daddy's Pride & Joy

Hush... hush.. dahling, daddy's here...
Proud daddy

The arrival of little Alya is definitely a blessing and adds joy to our otherwise routine lifestyle. The nine and half mths of wait, anxiety, lethargy and the 15 hrs of labour is all worth it at the sight her. The joy of just staring intently at her half-closed eyes and to cradle her in my arms is indescribable.

For someone who has no experience with tiny babies, her daddy seems to do quite well, adjusting himself every now and then while carrying her. Weighing just over 2.3kg, her fragile little frame seems hard to handle. Nevertheless, daddy is trying hard to hold her right. He's definitely one proud daddy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breaking the news - the blog way
It's been said that history is gossip, and there was plenty of both surrounding a recent murder on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a Best motorola cellular phone wallpaper site/blog. It pretty much covers motorola cellular phone wallpaper and that kind of stuff.

Check it out if you get a minute :-) Bless You Indeed!!!

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:45 AM  
Blogger Sharafynna said...

Mummy Alya! Yr blog dah kena spam?! Baru start dah kena attack.
Oh, can u pls wake this munchkin up? I know she must be sleeping now. Asyik tido aje...
Wake her up and pinch her cheeks for me. Heheheheh. TQ.

12:25 PM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:38 PM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:16 PM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 AM  

Breaking the news - the blog way
It's been said that history is gossip, and there was plenty of both surrounding a recent murder on Manhattan's Lower East Side.
Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a Best motorola cellular phone wallpaper site/blog. It pretty much covers motorola cellular phone wallpaper and that kind of stuff.

Check it out if you get a minute :-) Bless You Indeed!!!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:44 AM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 AM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:45 AM  

Mummy Alya! Yr blog dah kena spam?! Baru start dah kena attack.
Oh, can u pls wake this munchkin up? I know she must be sleeping now. Asyik tido aje...
Wake her up and pinch her cheeks for me. Heheheheh. TQ.

By Blogger Sharafynna, at 12:25 PM