Alya & Ilya

Alya & Ilya
They are 2.5 months apart and yet now they are of the same size.
Is my babe big for her age or is it Ilya who is petite?
Unhappiness do arise when there's competition.
Give and take hunny-bunny, Ilya is after all your cuzin and a guest in your home.

Monday, January 23, 2006
Breathe Babe..

Sunday, January 22, 2006
I Wanna Bite

Lately, Little Alya loves sticking her index finger by the side of her mouth. And chew she does. I tried sucking mine (chewing is painful lah), wondering what it feels like tasting one's own finger. And it sure has a funny aftertaste. Why does she enjoys it? Her gums probably itch... I wonder if Little Alya is teething...
Friday, January 20, 2006
The WORM Moves
Little Alya has been showing some sleek moves...
Butts up!!
And down...
to get what she wants...
And then she turns....
So clever...
Keep practicing hunny-bunny and you will start to crawl soon...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Happy 5th Month!
Its a day late, but its still not too late to wish my hunny-bunny a Happy Birth Month!! Little Alya turns 5th month yesterday.
She's showing signs of crawling, not on fours but through the army style. On her stomach, she will raise her bums up high and push herself forward, reminding me of a caterpillar style movement too. The bed has to be baricade with pillows around to prevent her from toppling down from that movement and the fact that she rolls to her side pretty quick now. Dangle a carrot and her movements get more vigourous...
She's showing signs of crawling, not on fours but through the army style. On her stomach, she will raise her bums up high and push herself forward, reminding me of a caterpillar style movement too. The bed has to be baricade with pillows around to prevent her from toppling down from that movement and the fact that she rolls to her side pretty quick now. Dangle a carrot and her movements get more vigourous...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Little Hadi

Sunday evening, we brought Little Alya to meet a new friend, Lutfil Hadi, for his majlis cukur rambut. Such a handsome little boy, donning a small baju Melayu, fitted to his tiny little size. I kinda miss my little babe at that age, where most of the time, she will stare at me blankly, without batting an eyelid. The stare will end with a little smile and a mischievious wink. Probably trying to fit my image into her brain... Looking at Little Hadi, makes me realise how time really flies and how fast they will grow up...
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Cough! Cough!
Early morning, we whisked Little Alya back to Raffles Children Centre for a consultation with her paedi after she had a bout of bad whooping cough the night before. Little Alya has been having cough for over two weeks. Just when she's about to get better, the attack came again. After a clinic visit with no medication given (no medication for babies under six mths of age-cough syrup is said to be too strong for them babies), we finally decided to send her back to the Children Centre for the expert views. True enough, no cough medicine was given, instead, Little Alya was given an oral solution for her cold (she had a slight runny nose). It is said that the medicine will help to dispense her cold and at the same time get rid of her phlegm which is causing her throat to itch thus the cough. I'm not all for medicines, but on the expert opinions on whether the cough is serious and requires immediate attention. The whooping cough that she had the night before seems bad enough, so I will definitely have to try out the medication that the doc gave. Well.. the doc said its a common thing especially when both her parents are having cough as well. (she had the cough before I do!)
I've never actually fathom to the idea of feeding her with medicines over the slightest discomfort that she had. I hold over the thought - the lesser medicine she take, the better, since her immune system is not that strong yet (the doc agrees with me okie...). For the same reason of my refusal to let her have the 5-in-1 immunisation. The immunisation is said to prevent babies from getting sick often, but yet i've heard of babies who took the jab, and yet gotten sick again & again. And Alhamdullillah, despite not having taken the 5-in-1 jab, Little Alya has been fine all along and only had a short fever that came with the DPT jabs. I attribute her likings of putting anything that she can get hold upon into her mouth and sucking it, as the main factor for her incessant cough.
Hopefully, with the given medicines and the hole in our pockets, Little Alya will get better. In the meantime, i will just have to put away cloth-like toys from her grabbing hands...

Little Alya awaiting her turn